Wednesday, April 14, 2010

crisis core?or just plain bad

is it that great or is it good but bad at the same time crisis core?or just plain bad
It's that great. If you like those types of games that is.crisis core?or just plain bad
its pretty pimp i lliked it
If you liked ff 7(or rpg's).... it's awsome.
Good but bad at the same time? that makes no sense.It's a good game and like any other though it has drawbacks. No such thing as a perfect game.It's worth getting though.
*bangs head into a wall after reading the above posts* The game was pretty. and I'll give it some bonus points for a good storyline. But lets face it pushing x repeatedly is not my idea of a good game. I've said it before and i'll say it again, ''For Hardcore Fans only.''
I'd say that yes, Crisis Core is good and bad at the same time. But it's unquestionably more good than bad.Granted- the bad stuff is pretty serious- such as the comatose enemy AI, but the good still outweighs the bad in Crisis Core, thanks to its great storyline, quick missions for playing on the go, and excellent graphics.
[QUOTE=''vashkey'']Good but bad at the same time? that makes no sense.It's a good game and like any other though it has drawbacks. No such thing as a perfect game.It's worth getting though.[/QUOTE]

yeap your right no game is perfect, ff7-cc has its faults as does any game but its definatly worth a look, i enjoyed the main story alot, the characters are likeable and the graphics where fantastic.......
Before Crisis Core I'd never played a Final Fantasy game before *shock horror* but I enjoyed it anyway. Combat can get a bit repetitive but in my view the great graphics, cutscenes and the excellent story redeem it, although I couldnt bring myself to play New Game+, once was enough, at least the the minute :).
I really enjoyed FF: Crisis Core. Good story, Nice graphics and fun materia fusion.
best game ever
Like a lot of people already said, No game is perfect, but Crisis Core is a great game and it has more good than bad. And it was only my second FF game so it's not just for hardcore fans.
crisi core is the greatest RPG on the psp.
Its good, near the end and cant bring myself to finish it because Im having so much fun with FFT:War of the Lions lol so I advice you if you get it to buy it and play it thrue, dont purchase anything that will throw you off and make you forget the story line and stuff
it's super good considering the game came for the PSP , so it gaves all the capabilites of that console so no regrets in here.
Why don't you look at the 15 or so professional reviews out there, as well as the 100 plus user reviews and make the decision for yourself. We don't need 3 Crisis Core topics each day.
  • zits
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