Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I need advanced help!

,Ok, i cant get internet acces to my WLAN. I am using a dlink di624 router
2.html . I have 3 wired connections, 2 Wireless connections ( think this is the problem, I found the blue part in a Turtoiral) how many does my router handle? 4. UPDATE 10-04-06 : Please be aware that some routers do not support more than 3,4, or 5 IP addresses. Therefore, if you have four computers in your home, and your router is only capable of issuing 4 addresses, then you WILL NOT be able to connect... if it is, how do i remove one of the connections? I also use MCafee FIrewall protections. Do i need to open any ports or do anything speical , so my PSP can internet access? I took these from a FAQs / Guide and have the problems in red. + = solutions to the problem A Connection Error has Occured. The attempt to obtain the IP address timed out.
- If using the PPoE,You entered a wrong username or password.
+ Check your username and pass
+ Check if you have internet connection.
+ Enable your DCHP server. ( how and what is this? )
+ Restart your router.
+ Be sure to check your IP address and Primary/Secondary DNS to match what in your computer. ( where do i find these out from?)
+ Check your WEP password if you correctly typed it 1. First, let's take a look at your router setup. In order to do this, you need to open a new, empty browser window on your PC, and you need to enter the IP address of the router itself. Generally, this should look like this:; You should preferably use Internet Explorer to do this. If this address does not direct you to your router, your router may have a different address. In order to get this, you should first attempt to run the set-up program on your router's disk. (Also, you can do this: On your Windows desktop, click ''START'', then click ''RUN''. Type in ''cmd.exe''. Then, at the prompt, type in ''ipconfig''. A list should pop up and show your default gateway. That is your router's IP address. Make note of it, and close out the window...) You may be asked for a password before you are able to directly access the router. Commonly, the username and password are: admin/password. However, if you do not know your username and password for the router, you may need to reset the router physically. See ''ROUTER TROUBLESHOOTING'' below to do this.If you are simply unable to physically connect to your router via Internet Explorer, but you are able to surf the internet, then there is nothing wrong with your router and you should try a factory reset on the router. Generally, this is done by locating the reset button and pressing it for 10 seconds. You may need a small ink pen to do this, as the button may be real tiny....I dont know my password. What are the ill- affects of reseting your router physically? do i have to reeastblish connection with each computer? WIll my SSID and WEP code still be the same? Thanks in advance to repleys!!!I need advanced help!
man thats alot of help u if i new wat ur prob was exactly but i dontI need advanced help!
I have never really heard that any consumer router officially supported only 5 or less active connections at a time. However, often this is true. But instead, I would say that this is because most consumer level routers are cheap and can hardly handle 5 active connections at a time, while using encryption. Anyway, the simplest way to remove a connection is to turn off one of the networking devices. So just turn off what ever you aren't using at the time. As for McAfee; unless McAfee is installed on your router (it most likely is not), then there is nothing you will have to do as far as McAfee or ports are concerned.
If you have not already, try unplugging your router, waiting 30 seconds, then replugging, and trying to connect with the psp after that.__________________________________________________________ As for the rest of your questions:
Your DHCP server is one of the functions a router can perform. The DHCP server assigns IP address information to any computer that asks for it. More than likely, your router already has its DHCP service running. You can check this by either logging into your router, and looking around for the setting, or by: -visiting the ''manage network connections'' window on your computer -then right clicking your wireless or wired network connection icon and selecting properties -then selecting ''Internet Protocol version 4'', then press properties -and then check whether the option ''Obtain IP address automatically'' is selected. If it is, then DHCP must be enabled in order for that computer to succesfully connect to your network. To check your computer's IP address info: Press: (the windows key) and R type: cmd press: (enter key) type ipconfig press: (enter key) You should now see a black window with some information in it. That is what you are looking for. You won't see the DNS address here, but often you can use the default gateway as your primary DNS. _______________________________________________________- As for resetting your router... There are two kinds: a hard reset, and a soft reset. A soft reset is the equivalent of unplugging your router, and no settings will be lost. Often a soft reset can repair problems such as the one you are experiencing. After a soft reset, all networking devices should reconnect as they normally would. A hard reset, restores the router to its factory settings, as in, it will be the way it was when you purchased it. This often means no encryption (WEP code erased), and the SSID changed back to the default. After a hard reset, most networking devices will not reconnect automatically.To perform a soft reset, either unplug the router, or press the reset button momentarily. To perform a hard reset, hold down the reset button for 30 seconds (applys to most routers). Finally, to find your username and password for your routers web server, you either need to ask who ever set up the router what it is, or consult the router's manual.
I'm using a powerful router so I can handle 5 no problem I haven't tried 6 because I don't have 6 devices that do so lol. My PSP, PS3, and 3 computers are currently using the router. 2 wireless and 3 wired. I can put in another wired one and I don't know how many more wireless can go. I'll grab more things soon and we'll see. What you gotta do is talk to someone who's really good with this stuff and see what's the best router around.
my router is a conceptronic one. the signal is strong but difficult to set up.
My Obtain IP address automatically is NOT check. Should i Check it?IF i do a soft reset will my wired connections be effected at all? Also what about hard?Finally, to find your username and password for your routers web server, you either need to ask who ever set up the router what it is, or consult the router's manual. Will either resets reset my password, becuase no one in my family knows the password and its not the ADMIN/ admin one.And dude thanks SOOO MUCH
Oh really? Well, I'm surprised you have a static network. But assuming you do, the solution should be easy.If you check ''Obtain IP address automatically'' that computer will not be able to connect to the network. Unless, you enable the DHCP service on the router.
So the reason your psp times out is because your router is not running its DHCP service. You can either enable DHCP on the router, or you can set a static IP on your psp. If you start the DHCP service on the router, all of your other networking devices should still connect as they normally would... unless, your network has DHCP turned off for a specific reason. What that reason might be, I don't know. But I am pretty sure I used to have the same router, and if I remember correctly DHCP was enabled by default. If you set a static IP on your psp, all other networking devices should operate like they normally would.A soft reset will not effect your wired or wireless connections aside from temporarily disconnecting them. A hard reset will more than likely effect all connections, until the router is either re-setup, or the networking devices are re-setup to connect to your router's default settings.A hard reset will reset your router's username and password to their default settings. But that does not mean the username and password combination suggested in the FAQ will be the actual default username and password combination for your router. However, if you do a search online, you should be able to find the default user name and password combination for your particular router.So, to set a static address on your psp refer to my first post in this thread

OK i did everything you said about the static connections. and this is what happened. how do you set up the dhcp?Signal strength 100% Sidd LANchannel 6sercuity wepIP address ______________random stuff looks likeproxy do not useinternet brower startinternet connection failed
Setting up DHCP is very easy. All you need to do is login to the router, find the DHCP setting, and enable it. I can't really be more specific than that, since the setup screens differ per router. After doing that, set the psp to easy IP address settings._________________________________________________________________ If you would like to troubleshoot the static IP settings, read the following: It looks as if your were able to succesfully connect to your network, just unable to connect to the internet. I would like you to try three things. First, instead of setting the psp's IP address as, set it to I am suggesting this just incase one of the other networking devices is already using the address.Second, after testing the connection again, leave the psp at the test connection screen. Then go to your computer, bring up that black box where you got all of your ip address info, and instead of typing ipconfig, type ''ping'', without the qoutes. If you receive replies, then the psp is definitely connected to the network.(only do this part if you received replies in the second part)Third, start the psp's browser, connect, and then enter this in the address bar: the psp loads up google's homepage then you are able to access the internet, but you are having DNS problems.
The reason i dont do the DHCP thing is becuase i cant log onto my router. I have both CD's that came with it. but dont know the password. Admin/ Blank is defualt and that doesnt work.when i did the CMD ping it siad PInging with 32bytes of data.request timed out 4 times, packets sent 4, lost 4 (100%)
And the google part, it just gave me a blank white screen. never an error.
It sounds as if there is some extra security enabled on your router. To figure out what is enabled, you would have to login to the router. Which of course you can't.However, we can test whether there is some security running. To do this, you need to go back to the window where you saw ''Obtain IP address information automatically.'' In this window, you will see fields that are similar to the psp's fields when setting up a custom IP. Now that I think of it, you could of gotten the relevant IP information from this window instead of doing the ipconfig thing. Anyway, in this window, look at the field labelled IP address. Remember that number. Then change it to Press, ok and ok, then wait for the computer to reconnect. If the computer is able to reconnect, that might mean your router is using MAC filtering. If not, then the may be out of the routers valid range, as in an access list blocking that address is in place. After doing this, be sure to change the address back to what it used to be.
When i changed the ip address. It said i had a connections of 100 Mbps (this is a wired connection btw) but when i tried to get on the internet, it took forever and then gave me a could not find webpage.
Good. That most likely means that the router is not accepting the for whatever reason. So we need to use an IP address it will accept. I assume the IP address that computer normally uses is If so, then I would try this:Disable, the wired connection (right click the ''Local Area connection'' icon, click disable)Use the address on the psp.Now try to connect with the psp.
GRRRR!! i was so sure that would of worked but it didnt. :( . Just to let you know when i opened up the LAN page or whatever its called. there were two different icons. i disabled the LAN but there is another called 1394 connections whats that for?
I believe the 1394 connection allows IP traffic over the firewire port. Whatever it does, it should not effect your LAN.Anyway, I am afraid I cannot think of any other solutions aside from changing settings on the router. It would seem that your router only accepts certain IP addresses, and certain MAC addresses. Who set up your network anyway?So either you will have to find out your username and password, or do a hard reset on the router. If you choose to do a hard reset, you will most likely have to do some reconfiguring on each networking device.
It should be almost as easy as setting up the initial connection. Only thing I would advise, is to use WPA PSK instead of WEP.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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